Author Archives: cathy

[ FRAME 352 ] So much fun in Maynooth…

Bigfoot Film CollectiveAnd where is Maynooth you might ask? It’s a small (really small) town just at the southern gates of Algonquin Park with an incredible hidden stash of talent. Wayne-in-maskSarah DeCarlo and Ulysses Castellanos and I were lucky enough to facilitate a group of nine people (aged 16 to 60 something) in a collective film-making process. We’re called the Bigfoot Film Collective. What does that mean? In four days… FOUR days!!! We collectively wrote, directed, shot, acted and edited a new 20-minute film about Bigfoot.Maynooth-Notes-small I’ve never worked on a film like this before. There must have been six directors, directing different scenes, at least another six people editing footage, etc, etc…. all working on the SAME piece as a cohesive work as opposed to an episodic structure. AND WE DID IT! Maynooth-Arlington-SignOn the fourth night, we screened it at the Arlington Hotel, the incredible co-presenters / supporters of this project (FRAME 352). Ok… I could really gush a lot about this so I’ll stop short but maybe I’ll add a few amusing anecdotes later on…


And then this happened…

Cathy billboard image


Thanks Franco for snapping this pic. I have to admit that I’m pretty tickled / mortified / delighted / bashful / excited to see the image Pemberton Group picked for their campaign. I haven’t yet been to Queen & Dovercourt to see it in person but hope to before it disappears. The photo is a mashup of images and movements from HAMMER with a white sheet thrown in for fun.